Classroom reports
Course information
Travel information
Classroom reports
Course information
Travel information
12/18/2023 - Tea party♪ / アフタヌーンティー女子会♪
12/15/2023 - Chinese cooking class/中華料理教室
11/23/2023 - Everyday cooking class/毎日のお料理を楽しむ教室を開催しました!
10/27/2023 - Tsukiji tour/Fish cooking class!! (築地ツアーと魚料理の教室)
10/10/2023 - Online soba class/オンラインで蕎麦教室を開催しました!
09/16/2023 - Everyday cooking class/毎日のお料理を楽しむクラスを開催しました!
06/08/2023 - Tsukiji tour/Fish cooking class!! (築地ツアーと魚料理の教室)
05/26/2023 - Pressed sushi class!! (押し寿司の料理教室を開催しました!)
05/25/2023 - Home-style cooking class! (家庭料理の教室を開催しました!)
05/21/2023 - Hand-made Chinese Chili Bean Sauce Class!!(手作り豆板醤クラス!)
05/20/2023 - Home-style cooking class!! (家庭料理のクラスを開催しました!)
05/18/2023 - Season for bonito fish has come! 鰹のシーズン到来です!
04/30/2023 - Participated in a handmade kamaboko workshop 手作りかまぼこ体験教室に参加してきました!
04/28/2023 - Trip to Taiwain !! 台湾で食い倒れてきました!!
04/02/2023 - 【NEWS】Hand-made Chinese Chili Bean Sauce Class has began!!
03/05/2023 - White Miso making class!! (白味噌教室)
02/21/2023 - Pressed sushi cooking class (押し寿司の料理教室)
12/09/2022 - Greek cooking class(ギリシャ料理教室)
08/09/2022 - Vegetable tempura and somen noodles (野菜天ぷらとそうめん)
08/07/2022 - Cooking class at our client’s home (出張料理教室)
01/24/2022 - Home-made miso making class (手作り味噌教室)
11/10/2021 - Home-made miso making class(手作り味噌教室)
11/02/2021 - Face-to-face class resumed!!
01/28/2021 - Cream cheese cake with dried persimmon and walnuts (市田柿とくるみのクリームチーズケーキ)
01/22/2021 - Sardine Sushi (イワシの握り)
01/12/2021 - Pressed sushi (ずわい蟹とサーモンの押し寿司)
11/23/2020 - Dishes using persimmon (柿を使ったお料理)
11/15/2020 - 【Online class】Cooking a whole fish (お魚を一匹丸々おろす)
11/11/2020 - Amazake - fermented non-alcoholic sweet rice drink(甘酒作り)
11/08/2020 - Persimmon pudding (柿のとろとろプリン)
11/06/2020 - Clay pot rice with grilled pork (叉焼の煲仔飯)
11/05/2020 - Quick & easy baked French onion soup (簡単オニオングラタンスープ)
11/03/2020 - Chiffon cake with cacao nibs (シフォンケーキのカカオニブ添え)
10/30/2020 - Yellowtail, yellowtail, yellowtail!!(いなだ三昧)
10/28/2020 - Matsutake mushroom!! (松茸三昧)
10/25/2020 - Chestnut rice and steamed chicken with salted rice malt for Yakuzen class (薬膳クラス:栗おこわと鶏胸肉の塩麴蒸し)
10/24/2020 - Miso making class (味噌教室)
10/18/2020 - 【Online Class】Sesame tofu (ごま豆腐)
09/06/2020 - 【Online Class】Assorted Tempura (天ぷら盛り合わせ)
08/07/2020 - 【Online Class】Yakitori (焼き鳥)
08/01/2020 - Deep-fried Japanese horse mackerel and scallops (アジフライとホタテフライ)
07/18/2020 - 【Online Class】Seared and dipped tuna over sushi rice (マグロの二色丼)
07/01/2020 - Mackerel curry for Yakuzen class(鯖カレー)
06/29/2020 - Banana cake with Calpis Butter (カルピスバターを使ったバナナケーキ)
06/25/2020 - Preparation for online cooking classes (オンラインクラスの準備中)
06/19/2020 - Fried sardines (イワシのフライ)
06/05/2020 - Home-made Ramen (パスタマシンでラーメン作り)
06/04/2020 - Taiwanese/Hong Kong-styele Brunch (台湾&香港スタイルのブランチ)
05/29/2020 - Hand-made tofu and Tofu meshi (手作り豆腐と豆腐めし)
05/28/2020 - Seared bonito/skipjack tuna (鰹のたたき)
05/26/2020 - Stir-fried shredded pork with bean paste sauce (魚香肉絲;細切り豚肉の豆板醤炒め)
05/15/2020 - Sardine cooked with rice-bran paste (Nukadaki; 鰯の糠炊き)
05/14/2020 - Galette / Buckwheat pancake (ガレット)
04/28/2020 - Sushi with fatty tuna (マグロのカマの握り)
04/22/2020 - Chinese-style steamed rockfish (メバルの中華風蒸し物)
04/07/2020 - Homemade potato chips (自家製ポテトチップス)
02/28/2020 - Yellowtail teriyaki (ブリの照り焼き)
01/31/2020 - Nigiri-zushi with bluefin tuna and salmon (本鮪とサーモンの握り寿司など)
01/11/2020 - Grilled beef on a Hoba leaf with miso sauce (牛肉の朴葉味噌焼き)
10/24/2019 - Held Japanese cooking classes in Rotterdam, the Netherlands (オランダで日本料理教室を開催)
08/22/2019 - 3-day follow-up course at Tsuji Culinary Institute
08/02/2019 - Noodles with roasted pork fillet 叉焼麺
06/13/2019 - Pickling Japanese shallots (ラッキョウの甘酢漬け)
06/12/2019 - Seared bonito/skipjack tuna (鰹のたたき)
05/28/2019 - Making miso (Soybean paste) 味噌作り
04/01/2019 - Octopus balls with shrimp 海老を使った「たこ焼き」
03/27/2019 - Tsuji Culinary Institute spring course (辻調理師専門学校)
03/01/2019 - Pressed Sushi Class for Vegetarians (Vegetarian Oshizushi ベジタリアン押し寿司)
02/22/2019 - Buckwheat noodle (Teuchi soba)
12/22/2018 - Beckoning cat (Maneki-neko) Kuro-chan
11/28/2018 - Sesame Tofu (ごま豆腐)
09/25/2018 - Journey to explore Taiwanese cuisine in Hakka village (台湾客家料理をめぐる旅)
09/08/2018 - Yellowtail Teriyaki (Buri no Teriyaki) 鰤の照り焼き
08/31/2018 - Rod-shaped sushi (Bo-zushi) topped with conger eel (穴子の棒寿司)
08/26/2018 - Tsuji Culinary Institute (辻調理師専門学校日本料理コース)
08/18/2018 - Preparation for Yakitori (焼き鳥)party!
08/17/2018 - Dried bonito and Kaneko Hannosuke 八木長本店の亀節(かつお節)と金子半之助
07/30/2018 - Our favorite dried bonito shaver お気に入りの鰹節削り器
07/26/2018 - Chicken hot pot (Mizutaki) 水炊きを楽しむ
07/19/2018 - Broadcasted on NHK WORLD "RISING"
07/13/2018 - Cooking class for grandma's croquette おばあちゃんのコロッケ
07/12/2018 - Cooking class for pressed sushi 押し寿司で簡単華やかに
07/08/2018 - 【Yakuzen】Stir-fried yam, asparagus and scallops 【薬膳】山芋とアスパラガスとホタテの炒め物
06/14/2018 - Homemade Focaccia Bread Recipe 手作りフォカッチャ
06/13/2018 - Marinated mushrooms in olive oil!! マッシュルームのオリーブオイル漬け
06/10/2018 - Season for mulberry jam and wine!! 桑の実ジャムと桑の実酒
06/08/2018 - Season for plum juice!! 梅ジュース
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