We held the second tea party to enjoy cakes and scones from Sunday Bake Shop at our place this year.
Enjoyed cakes, sandwiches and scones with various types of clotted cream and confiture, ice cream, sparkling wine, and tea.
It was a precious time to share what each of us is up to, from hobbies, travel, food, health, beauty, to work and study.
We started in the afternoon and by the time we realized it, it was already nighttime... I am always amazed at how quickly the good times fly by.
I am so grateful to be able to spend precious time with friends with whom I can talk about many things ✨✨✨
I hope to hold this event again next year 💕.
アフタヌーンティー女子会。 今年2回目の自宅アフタヌーンティー。 Sunday Bake
趣味や旅行、グルメ、健康、美容から仕事や学びの話まで、それぞれの近況についてシェアし合う貴重な時間となりました。昼過ぎから始めて気がついたらもう夜・・・💦楽しい時間が過ぎるのは本当にはやくて、毎回驚きます。 いろいろ気兼ねなく話せる仲間と一緒に過ごせること、本当に嬉しすぎます✨✨✨来年もまた開催していきたいと思っているところです💕