
【NEWS】Hand-made Chinese Chili Bean Sauce Class has began!!

The season for hand-made Chinise chili bean sauce class has come!!
The only remaining date available for weekend reservations is Sunday, May 21. If you are considering it, please contact us as soon as possible.
mayumi's kitchen tokyo's Chinise chili bean paste class offers opportunities for you to prepare your own bean paste from fava beans and take it home to mature. You will also choose some favorite dishes using the chili bean paste that is prepared in advance. We will enjoy cooking and eating together♪ Popular dishes so far include mapo tofu (Szechuan style bean curd), shrimp with chili sauce, Szechuan style noodles covered with a sesame paste and chili sauce, and so on.
Please feel free to contact us if you are interested!!
mayumi's kitchen tokyoの豆板醤クラスは、豆板醤をそら豆から仕込んで持ち帰り、ご自宅で熟成いただくスタイルです。また、事前に仕込んでおいた豆板醤を使ってお好きな料理を一緒に作り、ご試食いただきます。これまでの人気メニューは、麻婆豆腐、エビチリ、担々麺など。